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National Chamber Winds

Composition Competition
This competition is open to composers at all career stages. Submissions from outside of the United States are welcome. The National Chamber Winds are committed to mentoring the next generation of musicians and encourage submissions from emerging artists.
Composition Requirements:
Time limit: Up to 10 minutes
Instrumentation:The piece may utilize up to 11 musicians including any subset of the following instruments: 2 flutes (1 may double piccolo), 2 oboes (1 may double English horn), 2 clarinets (1 may double Eb), 2 horns, 2 bassoons, double bass. Use of electronics is not allowed.
Deadlines and How to Apply:
Deadline: October 1 at 5:00 PM United States Eastern Time
Application fee: There is no fee to apply.
How to Apply:
The committee will choose one winner. The winning composition will be read and recorded and, if conditions allow, publicly performed during the 2024-2025 season. The committee reserves the right to select no winner. Winners will be notified by email.